01:56 - Craig escapes side control with octopus guard and uses it to complete the sweep taking top position.
02:06 - From RDLR, Jozef uses a kiss of the dragon inversion. Craig counters by entering the wedge and using it to take the back.
02:32 - From cross body ride, Craig transitions into a twister to get the finish.
03:15 - From north south, Craig forces side control and sits up with octopus guard looking to take the back. Jozef prevents the back take and it results in the front headlock.
03:27 - From the front headlock, Craig escapes by grabbing a single leg and taking top position.
04:05 - Craig is attacking from the back on the overhook side with just a long top hook. He finishes a katagatame with a palm to palm grip similar to a ruotolotine.
04:45 - From side control, Craig threatens a buggy choke but Jozef steps over the support leg to escape.
06:07 - Craig is chasing the back with no hooks. Jozef grabs Craigs top hook to prevent it from coming in, so Craig grabs Jozef's wrist and traps the arm as he throws in his top hook. He has Jozef give him a hand job.
06:37 - Craig doing Craig things to force side control and escape north south.
07:05 - Craig escapes north south using octopus guard and results in turtle with Craig having one hook.
07:12 - Craig is attacking from turtle with 1 hook. He breaks Jozef down before trapping the arm from the overhook side and finishing the RNC.
07:43 - From a seated butterfly guard, Craig threatens a guillotine and brings his foot high on Jozef's leg making it hard for Jozef to go to the opposite side. Jozef rolls to alleviate the pressure and Craig follow